0 Mark

Time to SAMPAT!

Today gotten the result of a quiz that had taken last week
It's a pop quiz from BENM (microprocessor)

It was with utmost surprise, it only happened in nightmares before that i've gotten 0 mark in any examination!
It's a first of the lifetime experience that opened up a new dimension in my academic history!
(It's the first and will be the last)
That is the consequences of getting pawned in pop quiz because sleeping in the entire lesson..

Sequence of funny events that lights up my day:
1) I was so excited when i gt my hands on the 0 mark paper
2) Asked ivan to take his paper, mine and Seng for a "photography session" without the awareness that the lecturer was gazing in our direction.

Ivan (6) > Seng (1) > Me (0)

3) Lecturer asked :"What happen? How many marks you've gotten?"
4) Me :"Zero, it's harder to get zero than 1 ma'am!"
5) Lecturer just replied me with LOL..

Sorry to my lecturer, i know she always has high expectation on me by the way she looked upon me all the time...

It's not an April Fool like what you're thinking about!

And to my bro,

Sorry, Mum said she'll release her "anger" on you because of this news as i'm not there..
HAHA!! Blek~

Here're my thoughts:
1) Getting 0 mark is harder than 1 mark judging from those words i've written that worth
not even 0.5 mark!!

2) Getting 0 mark is the "first of it's kind" milestone in my academic tracks
like a "medal of honor"..

3) I'm dai sei (cantonese) to have slept in the class

4) All the feeling of anxiety somehow looses its grip upon me after i got my hands on the paper

5) Understood the importance of 1 mark (2 is better than 1.. perhaps 1 is better than 0 as well)

6) Being the first time in history to be the "precipitate" in my class (any class) paved the way to a new dimension of feeling!
Seong!! SEE!!!! I GT IT!!!! HAHA

OK! Enough for crapping...

Don't have the time to do fancy arrangements like what the other teams done...
Anyway, functionality is what it counts~
This is how it works:

To friends who are having test tomorrow and Friday:
All the best!!! and STAND STRONG!!!!

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It's over~ See you BENE~ (contemporary truce)

Announcing a contemporary truce (休战) to my books today~!

Just passed the BENE Test and 2 quizzes of it as well

They all went well, just the test part... abit tricky there

I might not be the best players in the Test today, did ALOT of mistakes >.<

Somehow, i've not feel any bit of despair....

I know that i've done my best, and wasn't memorizing everything (from A to Z) blindly in the so called "tips" should say as "answer scheme" (you can say that i'm stupid... but that's me!!)... it feels like cheating to me :-P (not aiming at any particular parties, just my feeling)

Mistakes are inevitable but i've paid enough effort in studying all and have never regret it 还是一样的固执... haha

Frankly, 50% is the most i can get, i guess... Prof. Hamid's paper is insane without tips!!!
It caused me SEVERAL sleeping hours on a daily basis See ya BENE~~

For a few weeks perhaps... T.T Finally.... We went out from the "fortress of bookworms"!!!!
Been to StoneGrill at the "Largest Jusco" last Friday with Ivan and Seng for dinner...
The concept of the shop is that they serves you with raw food.
You'll have to cook them on a stone served alongside those dishes.

My Set: Lamb and Shrimp~~

Don't you think how stupid we are to pay.. but to cook by ourselves? haha...
But i like the feeling though~ while we're busying cooking, moment of silent.....
as everyone was indulging himself in being a chef! haha

MY BENM PROJECT!! A seemingly simple circuit..
but it caught me almost a few days in arranging those components, soldering (by my groupmate) and writing its syntax~ Four switches to light up the LED after interfacing it with M68000K microprocessor by the following orders: SW1: left to right SW2:right to left SW3:from inner to outer SW4:demo all

PS: Sorry to friend who was disturbed at the wrong time, din meant to have disrupted your mood :-P cheer up~

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Different Approach, Refreshing~

Good morning to myself!
It's 5am now, yesterday was a boring day with books and notebook which deliberately always keeping their distance within my nose....
Hence!! Took a different approach....
Have slept at 12am (perhaps one of the earliest here) and just woke up to study!
In contrast to the "ordinary" me, this is a totally brave approach~
This is because i always complete my stuffs before laying down on my beloved bed and hugging my lovely bolster.. haha..

It's refreshing and the mind is so clear with no precipitation of thoughts and disturbances around me now
My adrenaline to study just kick start my day~
Hope i can finish the study by today to face the giant tomorrow as there will be a LAST meeting tonight~

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今天的BENE LAB失败了
haih... 那瞬间真灰...
那瞬间而已啦... haha

这几天对project的忙碌,的付出.. 都觉得很值得。。

昨天在“休息时间”读了部落界千年老妖的最latest post, “blogging风”

to 老妖:这是我自己写给自己看的,如果你看到,望你别见怪

今天的考试(control system)。。。
当讲师看到好友在讲话。。就问道:“Finish d?”

讲师还千叮万嘱 “don't open the paper until you are told to do so!"



PS: 受到可靠消息
大学将换制度, 该为与其他本地大学没两样的 60% 考试/ 40%Practical 制度
下个SEM的final DAI WOK lo...

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My Hamster



我 :HAIH! 书读不完,功课做不完,人际关系一团糟。。怎样好?!






像吗?? HAHA

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Final Fantasy!

Screened through the blog of a friend of mine.

Noticed the link that he shared in his blog featuring an orchestra performance for Final Fantasy X theme song, conducted by Nobuo Uematsu. The song touched my heart deeply and reminded me some of the sweetest reminiscent. Its theme songs still part of my life now, my “soul companion”. No surprise to caught me listening to Nobuo Uematsu’s music when I’m studying or reading. ^^ DOWNLOADING TOUR DE JAPON! A concert tour featuring music from the Final Fantasy video game! Kinde anticipating it :p

Here’s part of the tour:



Still remember this series of game that had accompanied me through my adolescent’s life.. haha.. perhaps most of my morning.. :-p

My brother and me took shift to play the game with different timeline we had… I was at the afternoon session schooling while he’s at the opposite…

Thinking back.. Our PS2 has never really gotten a chance for a rest.. haha.. Anyway, it’s in a state of hibernation now since my brother has changed his interest into computer gaming, whereas me… Glad to say that maybe age have override my affection towards gaming.. ^^

“Final Fantasy” was the essential part of my life back in lower form of secondary schooling.

One true story to share… I even felt sad when I’ve completed the game! Haha… Remained silent when I saw the very last parcel of the video footage in the game T.T.. The strikingly beautiful computer graphic of it had filled my everyday’s life with vivid colors. Very much indulged myself into that fantasy world that was created by SquareEnix… Thanks very much to have given me a period of worthy remembrance.

One day! I’ll buy PS3 to play its latest sequel, FF XIII!!

Been to haircut today.. haha.. New facelift of B-3-3!!

Man Heng!

My Zai Zai!
Me !!
temporary straighten nia.. haha... wait till it's long enough then only decide :-p

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Due to some complains that i've received from friends and naima, this post gonna be written in english. (instead of the suggested "bilingual" blog..)

Yesterday, we (chinese society) interviewed a bunch of juniors who are interested in joining the board of main committees.

Did sighted some real potentials there who're dare to speak out and to lead. (unlike me, i know that i'm a good follower, maybe the time has not come yet... haha)
One particular interview session took us 1 hour for a single candidate!
That candidate is a well-known figure or you can say him as a "superstar".. dressed up properly and SUPERBLY confident...
but, we're all known for his capabilities well...
The one hour is resemblance to war of words... you can feel the arrows trepassing you every second... haha... so bad
Sometime do feel sympathy to his situation, always failed to reach the very top level that he has always dreaming for... (even planned where to held the next event )... It's his people skills that has ruined him.
The essence of his speech
"I just need ppl who can talk to be in my comm, who has brilliant ideas and knows how to convey them in words, they don't have to be good in accomplishing their ideas"
How a person describes the people around him always reflect the kinde person he is.. haha

In the nutshell, interviewing ppl is a gruelling and mentally exhausive activity. Honestly, i did not ask alot of questions, but kept listening to the same thing for 4 hours is a stern test to your mental endurance..
The feeling of accomplishment overdrives the feeling of tiredness..
Finally it's time for us to give the responsibility to the next generation... Proud to be the first treasurer! haha...

Went for a movie at night, suddenly feel bad after i stepped into the mall!! Wanted to vomit...
My old foe was looking for me... Have a feeling of food poisoning... shit...
Personally think that it's the warning sign issued by my worn out body. Compensated it with a 10 hours sleeping time last night, the first of its kind here! haha
The consequences are that i have to eat broth and to sleep in cinema.. A miserable night...
Anyway, have finally went for a movie in 2 months time at malacca... Can you see what i've been through this semester? 1 movie in 2 months instead of 1 movie in 2 weeks i've used to watched last time.

Will write about the movie next time, found out that i'm too good in crapping, particularly in words..... haha


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有什么差错,请多多指教 ^^

刚刚考完了一个考试, Instrumentation..
觉得自己的表现还好。。hehe 可是对这里的制度抱着同样的想法。。

最近经常听到朋友从外国又出国的消息 (student exchange)
出国了又出国! 过分!!
虽然只是短短的几个月,可是至少有尝试过在不同的环境生活。。学习不同的语言,不同的风俗。。 一定会有很新鲜的感觉。好想好想去!!
经过询问后,发现我的大学并没有这些优待。。 T.T 觉得自己越来越渺小。。 haha
可是,又会觉得骄傲。。世界各地都有朋友叻。。 xD


快点回来陪我!!! Haha

n 年前在机场送Larry去香港

写完了感觉很好,越来越喜欢写部落格的感觉 :-P


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Take it easy

Today is a rainy day... Rainy day = Fast food day too!
Today's villain was KFC... I'm getting chickened by it and McDonald's too....

Mr Kentucky: I'm bored of you, can you please stay away from my life for sometime?
Mr McDonald's: I'm lovin it!! But not anymore for the time being...

Tomorrow is another tough day, with test for instrumentation and meeting to attend to..
I started to hate oscilloscope... LOL
I'm just tired mentally and physically, particularly this semester...
There's always a concern that keep troubling me all these time.. My body doesn't react to tiredness although i was wearing it to the extreme..
Looking forward to vacation!! Bangkok and Cameron Highland!!!

I felt myself framed to have become part of the committee of the so called "Malam Puisi"..
Accidentally attended the meeting and accidentally pointed to spearhead one of the bureau...
The thing is i want to rest, i'm exhausted..

This song is nice

P/S: Thanks and I'm fine, it's not your fault.. There isn't any party that should be justified as "guilty" in this matter. In the nutshell, apology not accepted!!! Just live your life! And... Just another milestone in life. We can go through this~ haha

OK~ Just a short post for today, time to transform myself to Midnight Oil Burning Mode.. Adios!

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Negative negative....
The situation is out of control....
I spent money again! There's always an evil inside me that drives me to spend money when i'm in despair.. It makes me feel better. Went to secret recipe today for lunch haha...

Lamb Pie!

Have just finished reading a book (took me almost one semester due to the exorbitant workload), "The Undercover Economist".. The name of the book makes the talk by itself. It's about the complex web of economy that form the market today. Was amazed by some of the facts from the book, reading does deepen the depth of knowledge. :-p

Despite the spending on lunch! I've spent on buying the next book to reveal the next chapter of my reading legacy! haha...

The book is with the name "Rich Brother Rich Sister".. The synopsis at the back caught my attention straight and made the decision to get it shortly. It portrays the life of a sister and her brother by the name of Emi Kiyosaki and Robert Kiyosaki (famed author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"). They were parted with different path towards God, Money and Happiness. They have the same biology family, but different spiritual family. Spiritual family that can they can live their life, an environment where they are accepted, thoughts and points of view are coherent.

Hope to get some spiritual enrichment after the materialistic gain from the previous book i've read. The type of book a person read in 5 years will portray his characteristics... I've forgotten where i gotten this info.. hehe

P/S: Thanks BoSYs! I feel brand new now!! Live a better life for myself!!!

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Sicked Mentality

A phone call was received while i'm having dinner with my hsemates yesterday at a restaurant that we eventually blacklisted due to its inefficiency in handling the flow of dishes... (waited for more than an hour!! chill out guys~)
P/S: Thanks Kelvin for the sharing and the chat we have had before my dinner.

Back to the phone call, it's from my family to say that our neighbor was arrested for being an illegal bookie. :-O... Cops from Bukit Aman were surrounding our neighborhood while the meddlesome folks (including my mum and dad -.-) can be seen gossiping on the street.

The couple at their 60s were arrested with their son and daughter-in-law gazing from distant... Mind me... FROM DISTANT! What kinde person is that to have seen their own parents being cuffed and were carried away but doing nothing... Not even consoling their parents, not to say to have the guts to step up as a man...

Parents who nurtured us with unconditional love shouldn't be left out when they're in the pitfall.
The betrayal will surely causes a deep wound inside the heart of their parent.
Mum and dad, i miss both of you~ (Mum: don't miss me till put detergent in your dish d... i don't wish to see both of you and me in the headline... -.-||)

My quiz paper was recovered today... It's with flying colour~ Was exhilarated by the fact that i don't have to retake it too. ^^

Finally i wrap up the post with a song dedicated to a special friend of mine... this song makes me feel better~

The lyric is the voice of my heart, hope this can reconcile the relationship, Whatever will be will be~ I understand it now

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The Right Track!!!

So glad that all my progress are on the right track~
Have finished some of my works at the rate beyond my forecast!

The following is my schedule of final exam in this coming April:
12nd April - Signals and Systems
14th April - HE
16th April - Electronic Systems
19th April - Microprocessor
LONG LONG BREAK (might go Cameron with coursemates)
28th April - Instrumentation
3rd May - Control System

VOLA~ Ends!

Before i wrap up the post, many thanks to my female coursemates to have given us present in conjunction to "White" Valentines.. frankly i don't know what's the occasion about.. haha.. Thanks for the "heart" anyway~ Appreciate it

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It's morning 9am now..

I can feel the enormous pressure mounting on my head recently from various directions.
Waking up early in the morning by the commutation of thoughts (annoying "morning call of thoughts") that's interrupted by stresses is not an easy feeling. Sometimes i do regretted by some decisions i've made to myself, maybe i should have chosen to become an ordinary student without giving other parties an opportunity to pour their expectation upon me. I'm not as good as you think i am... The heart is pounding heavier and heavier every second in the morning when thinking back of unfinished "business".

Without a doubt, i'm undergoing the busiest period of time in my life (next to the prom night period).. I always believe that i'll survive to the very last moment, I hope i'll have the gut to face the giant that's standing right infront of me... Everyone has been complaining about their workload in recent days, perhaps it's time to testify our growth and to instigate our capacity in stresses.

I'm sorry if i'm silent in conversations in recent days.. It's just the emotional thingy to stay speechless.. Stay strong buddies! Let's together strive through this very disastrous moment and to face a better day tomorrow~ Time to get back to study... T.T

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Welcome ~

Hey everyone, welcome to the very first blog post of my own~ There's no reason of why i'm creating this blog... Blogging has been in the "want-to-do" list of mine all this time until recently when i found no reason of why shouldn't i express myself in words.
Typing has been the most pleasing thing to do not only during times of despair, but during times of joyful happening as well~ True friends are not supposed to be justified only by how they share the weight of sorrows, but it's also the ones who are beside you to share your happiness during success.. Do some thinking back, how many friends are there to comfort you when you've fallen and how many friends are there to offer him/herself to celebrate your success... This is from my point of view, you might have a different one.

Till this moment, to all of you who are reading the post to this point, thanks for being the friend i always want to be with... Friends are the second most important pillar that's supporting my everyday life (BUSY HECTIC LIFE).. Of course, second to my lovely family~ ^^

Some quick flashback on the sweet reminiscent we have had together.. sorry if i miss out anyone of you (no priority was given with the sequences shown)......



A-8-3-B (hope it's correct :-P)


BoSYians!!(miss out 毒豆喷射机)

BoSYians!!! featuring 毒豆喷射机! (sorry to larry)

BoSYs and BoSLs (miss out cherry cherry boom boom)

And of course~ My family! love you all!!

Enough for the crap... Hopefully i will still possess the sufficient passion to continue blogging... haha... see you guys soon~ Adios! (btw... nice catching up with BoSYians at the wall post.. haha...I must be crazy to start blogging at this critical time. Maybe this is the only blog for these few months.. slept for only 2 hrs last nite... time to go!)

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